Successful Cases
How to see beyond and make the best decisions?
At Horiens, we believe that innovation is more linked to behavior than to a product or technology. Therefore, we act in a way that is oriented to our clients, looking at their experience, journey and challenges.
With dynamism and engagement, we work to solve complex problems, transforming uncertainties into opportunities and results. This is our way of being.
Discover some of the projects we have carried out in partnership with our clients.
Quantitative Risk Analysis (AQR) to adapt the Operational Risk Policy
Company in the bioenergy segmentThe challenge:
Faced with a scenario in which the client's Operational Risks Program had been showing successive increases in premiums, as a result of a hard market scenario, Horiens proposed an analysis aimed at ensuring, at the same time, a reduction in premiums and adequate coverage, tailored to the appetite of company risks.How we solve?
Horiens carried out the redesign of the policy based on a quantitative risk study that allows a comprehensive analysis of the probabilities of losses and impacts, contributing to the client's decision-making in relation to the retention and transfer of risks. field study, with the participation of a global company in the risk management segment, which brought the necessary qualitative deepening to understand the context. In the second stage of the project, Horiens had the support of its risk analysis laboratory, Risk Labs, which carried out the quantitative modeling of the mapped risks, showing the expected value of insurable losses, including estimates of PML - Maximum Probable Loss, a fundamental element for the client's decision regarding the limits of coverage to be contracted. refinement of the terms and conditions of the policy, ensuring adherence to the company's real risk profile, with a reduction in the premium paid to the insurer.
Creation of personalized insurance for agribusiness
Producer and marketer of ethanol, VHP sugar and electricity through sugar cane and biomassThe challenge:
Brazilian agribusiness is one of the most representative in the world. Exposed to various types of impact from public policies to the growing uncertainty of the planet's climatic conditions- it is a sector highly dependent on the financial market and the requirement of real guarantees. In this context, the agricultural insurance market remains restricted and has little experience with growing sugar cane. For this reason, we sought an effective and precise solution that would directly influence the reduction of the company's cash volatility.How we solve?
Our Tailor Made model of action was the basis for the creation of a new product that responded to the specific needs of the client. It is an agricultural insurance for the transfer of climatic risks related to the cultivation of sugar cane, with the development of innovative clauses and coordination of all negotiations with the insurance market.
Differentiated performance in the chemical and petrochemical sector
Leading company in the production of thermoplastic resins in the AmericasThe challenge:
Considering aspects such as the scenario of the alternation of cycles in the international market of chemical and petrochemical products and the consequent volatility of the insurance and reinsurance capacity, the search for alternatives to expand the lines of protection and competitive cost for the Risk transfer are key elements in the client's business strategy.How we solve?
Modeling of the global structure of the client's risk and insurance program, allowing the association of the company with the mutual insurance / reinsurance company OIL Insurance Ltda. (OIL), with perception and validation of the expected benefits and competitive response of the commercial market . The project, implemented in 2018, made the company the first in Latin America to partner with OIL.
Expansion of the coverage of the infrastructure sector
Engineering and construction companiesThe challenge:
More than a decade ago, in 2007, the end of the reinsurance monopoly in Brazil opened up new perspectives in the country. However, at the same time, it brought with it a complex challenge: coverage of the Brazilian insurance market was much more restricted than that of the international market.How we solve?
With extensive technical knowledge in engineering and construction and in the risk and insurance market, we prioritize a proactive approach and an individualized vision of each project and client, ensuring the maximization of opportunities and the mitigation of risks. We have acted consistently by proposing broader clauses, in line with international best practices, resulting in a new level of coverage for the infrastructure sector.
Monetization of complex claims in the urban transport sector
Mass urban transport concessionaire with 600 thousand passengers / dayThe challenge:
Monetize the high value of liabilities in claims related to damages to third parties not recovered under the previous management. The problem referred to the lack of supporting documentation and the imminence of prescription of a large part of the cases.How we solve?
The first step was the mapping of liabilities, from documentary searches to statistical studies based on judicial data. Thus, our solution considered the construction of prospective models related to ongoing processes and purchase agreements with insurers and reinsurers. The process was successful and had a large cash impact for the dealership with the monetization of approximately 80% of the value of the liabilities.
Data science and technology for health insurance portfolio optimization
Novonor Group CompaniesThe challenge:
Pricing health insurance is a complex challenge and involves a number of risks for companies. What can we do to improve the relationship between risk and return? This was the central issue of the solution developed by Horiens considering policies with 80 thousand insured members and a scenario in which Health Insurance represents about 20% of the companies’ payroll.How we solve?
Using statistical modeling and technology applied to proprietary health portfolio data, we build models of the frequency of insurance usage as well as the severity tied to usage. Predictive analysis allowed the implementation of improvements and bringing more information to the negotiation and generating value for the customer.
BUSQ Seguros: an unprecedented self-service that guarantees the best cost-benefit ratio in personal insurance
Members of the Novonor GroupThe challenge:
The personal insurance offer in the market depends on the broker's agenda, something that often ends up making it difficult to contract. Faced with this scenario, the challenge was to create an innovative product that combines advantages such as autonomy, competitive cost and agility.How we solve?
We have developed a 100% digital platform for the quotation, contracting and management of policies by the end customers themselves (members of the companies and their families). The platform, launched in 2019, works as a self-service, with simple and intuitive navigation and the security of obtaining the best cost-benefit ratio for those who hire. The project was developed through partnerships with the main players in the insurance market and had the objective of bringing the news of this market, promoting its evolution.
PrevSeguro: innovation in the personal insurance market
Companies sponsoring the Vexty Pension PlanThe challenge:
Propose ways to expand adherence to the Vexty Complementary Pension Plan and, at the same time, offer an increasingly differentiated benefit to employees.How we solve?
We create a new product on the market, in collaboration with SulAmérica and Vexty. This is PrevSeguro, an innovative and free life insurance benefit for all beneficiaries of the Vexty Plan. The insurance guarantees, in the event of death or disability before the age of 65, the amount necessary to supplement the pension reserve that the member would form upon reaching that age.
Risk Management Consulting: Analyzing an Operational Risk Policy
Electric power generation concessionaireThe challenge:
Analyze operational risk policy to ensure adherence to the concession’s scenario and exposures, identifying possible points of improvement.How we solve?
To bring technical depth and certainty to decisions, we worked with the support of our Risk Labs to conduct predictive risk modeling, incorporating the parameters of the client’s Risk Policy. The data and correlations generated by the modeling allowed us to deepen the analysis, indicating whether the dam risks should be transferred to the insurance market, one of the client’s main doubts, among other adjustments, such as the review of deductibles (with a 50% reduction in high frequency and low impact risks), inclusion of certain events in the basic coverage and of relevant additional coverage, in addition to the preparation of differentiated clauses for the operational risk policy.
Agility and technical knowledge in the regulation of complex claims
Passenger Railway ConcessionaireThe challenge:
Regulation of a complex claim, in the shortest possible time, due to train derailment and collision, accident with victims.How we solve?
Horiens’ premise is to go beyond the placement of risk, acting on a daily basis as a partner and strong link between the insured and insurer parties. This end-to-end approach ensured that we were able to lead the process of regulating this claim with agility and technical grounding, fundamental requirements in this type of event, in which the insured party must act quickly in defining compensation limits for the victims and in reporting to the competent public agencies. The claim settlement proposal was developed in less than 48 hours, ensuring the necessary support to all parties involved in the event and mitigating financial losses.