Horiens Integrity System
At Horiens, we have adopted a Integrity System inspired on the best global practices and on the respect for the law. It is composed of three pillars: prevention, detection, and remediation of risks and misconduct, unfolding into 10 integrated measures for the promotion of an organizational culture that supports the Code of Conduct, our commitment to acting ethically with integrity and transparency.
Our Integrity System is an organic structure, with interdependence among the 10 measures. It works effectively when there is harmony among its pillars and when implemented in an integrated manner with our other policies.

Our Commitment
Our Commitment presents the 10 principles adopted by all members to combat and not tolerate corruption in any of its forms in the conduct of our business and investments.
These principles are aligned with Our Culture and must be practiced responsibly in all areas of work, without flexibilizations.
Code of Conduct
By conviction, we assume the commitment to act ethically, with integrity and transparency. This commitment, reinforced by our Integrity System, is essential to our survival, growth, and perpetuity.
Horiens has two Codes of Conduct that bring together, in a clear and objective manner, a set of guidelines and present the conduct expected from our members and partners with whom Horiens relates.
Ethics Line
The Ethics Line Channel is an exclusive and confidential tool for secure and, if desired, anonymous reporting of conduct that violates Our Commitment, our Code of Conduct and/or any policy, guideline, internal regulation and applicable laws.
The information is received by an independent and specialized company, ensuring absolute secrecy and non-retaliation of the whistleblower. The report can be made through the website (click here) or by phone: 0800 377 8011 (only calls from Brazil).

Commitments and recognition
Commitments and recognition
Horiens is focused on growing sustainably by acting ethically, with integrity andtransparency. For this reason, Horiens has been connecting itself to pacts andcommitments that reinforce and recognize these pillars, keeping public ourefforts for the constant evolution of governance and compliance initiatives, aswell as the fight against corruption.

Brazil Pact for Business Integrity
In 2024, Horiens joined the Brazil Pact for Business Integrity, an initiative of theOffice of the Comptroller General (CGU) that encourages companies to make apublic commitment to integrity throughout their business cycle. By taking part inthis initiative, we reiterate our ethical, honest and transparent approach. To findout more, click here.

Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption
In 2024, Horiens also became a signatory to the Business Pact for Integrity andAgainst Corruption, promoted by the Ethos Institute, as a way of activelyreaffirming its commitment to transparency, integrity in business and the fightagainst corruption. To find out more, click here.