Women who reinvent themselves

Written by: Zilah de Barros Mello - 08/03/2022
“Because life, life, life… life is only possible reinvented.” For me, in this small verse of the poem Reinvenção, by Cecília Meireles, lies an immense amount of life and truth.
On this International Women’s Day, I thought it would be interesting to remember how being a woman is about strength, overcoming, dedication, and, why not, reinvention. The verse above brings up the need to look from a new perspective, experiencing life in a different way, resignifying meaning and direction.
When we talk about female empowerment and valuing women in the labor market, after all we are also talking about reinvention, aren’t we? In my story, for example, there is an important bit of this, shall we say, courageous ingredient.
I have been working for seven years at Horiens, in the risk and insurance market, and I can say that I feel happy professionally. A few years ago, I decided to reinvent myself, changed companies, areas, learned practically everything I do today from scratch. I know that being inserted in an environment that encourages development, regardless of gender, has an important weight for me to feel this way, on the right track.
But if today we see a positive movement of women empowerment in various sectors, including the risk and insurance industry, I know that it has not always been this way and that there is still a lot to be done. That is why I believe that every woman who over the years reinvents herself, faces and opens paths reverberates feminine strength and courage, characteristics often not associated with us women.
As I reflect here, I am especially reminded of two women who inspire me. Bettina, who was once, for many years, the director of the area where I work, is a very vivid memory in me. I like to think about her story because she was there, strong and trailblazing at a time when the issue of gender equity was barely discussed, much less openly as we do today. I fondly remember his disciplined and intuitive eye for getting the best out of everyone on the team at all times, and his technical ability, which was obvious to everyone around him.
My sister Zaida is another great and powerful source of inspiration for me. She proved to be a braver person than I could have ever imagined, when, dealing with all the pain of the loss of a child, she sensitively found the necessary impetus to go on with her brilliant work at the Health Secretariat of Salvador, at the height of the covid-19 vaccination campaign.
Women who reinvent themselves – and outdo themselves – are everywhere. Just as well!