When was the last time you measured your blood pressure?

Written by: Horiens - 16/05/2022
It is a chronic, silent disease and can lead to a number of complications such as stroke, heart failure, arrhythmia, chronic kidney disease, and even dementia. People who suffer from hypertension are often unaware of the diagnosis and are not even aware that they are facing a great risk to their lives. This is a serious condition that is affecting more and more people all over the world.
In Brazil, according to data from the Ministry of Health, between 2015 and 2019, The number of deaths from hypertension jumped from 47,288 to 53,023. Still according to the agency, in 2021 there were about 6.1 million more consultations than in 2020 directly related to this disease, which affects about 25% of Brazilians. Why do so many people live with a diagnosis of high blood pressure?
There is no single answer, but the explanation for this question may lie in the lifestyle adopted by part of the population. Obesity, excessive alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, stress, smoking, high salt intake, and high cholesterol levels are among the causes of hypertension. In addition, family history and advancing age have a major impact on the number of cases.
How do I know if I have hypertension?
The diagnosis of hypertension is usually not associated with symptoms, but with the observation of a sustained increase in the index that measures blood pressure. When the pressure measurement frequently remains above 140 by 90 mmHg it is time to turn on the warning sign. It is important to have regular preventive medical monitoring to detect not only this condition, but also other diseases that may pose a risk to your health.
What to do in case of a diagnosis of hypertension?
Hypertension has no cure, but it can be treated and controlled. Only your physician can indicate the appropriate method of treatment for each case, which may include the continuous use of medication. It is worth remembering that the adoption of healthy habits is essential for the successful control of the disease.
Prevention is always the best choice
The increase in the incidence of hypertension in the population is a fact that draws attention all over the world. To mark the importance of acting preventively and generating broad consciousness about the issue, the World Hypertension Day is celebrated annually on May 17. Horiens, in partnership with health insurance companies, is always attentive to the welfare and quality of life of its clients, and therefore encourages this campaign. After all, why take risks when it is possible to avoid many complications by adopting a healthier lifestyle?
Here are some tips to prevent and control hypertension:
- having healthy eating habits;
- consuming salt in small quantities;
- practicing physical exercises regularly;
- enjoying moments of leisure;
- quitting smoking;
- moderating the consumption of alcohol;
- avoiding fatty foods;
- controlling diabetes.
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