Support to the families affected by the rains in Bahia

Written by: Horiens - 03/02/2022
In solidarity with the families affected by the heavy rains that recently occurred in the South of Bahia, Horiens has just made a donation of R$ 50 thousand, an amount to be invested in basic necessity items for the local population, such as mattresses, hygiene and cleaning kits and food.
The initiative is part of a joint effort by companies in the Novonor Group and aims to join forces, collaborating to mitigate the emergency situation that affected the lives of thousands of people in the state of Bahia.
The Horiens’ donation was made to three Family Homes assisted by the Norberto Odebrecht Foundation, which is strongly active in the Bahia’s Baixo Sul region: Igrapiúna Rural Family Home (CFRI), Agroforestry Family Home (CFAF) and Presidente Tancredo Neves Rural Family Home (CFR-PTN).
“On behalf of the Horiens team, I would like to reinforce our solidarity to all those who are experiencing emergency situations caused by the heavy rains in Bahia and also in several regions of the country,” says Marcelo Neves, CEO of Horiens.