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Articles and News

Horiens at Rio Oil and Gas 2022: insurance and risk management on the agenda


Horiens was once again present at the largest event of the Oil and Gas sector in Latin America, the Rio Oil & Gas, participating in a round table on the theme “Risk Management and Insurance …

Women’s Health | October Pink campaign reinforces the importance of self-care


It has been a few months now that Ana Paula Oliano, a member of Horiens, has been breathing a sigh of relief. The routine at work and at home is practically back to normal. The …

Life is the best choice


More than 120 members participated in the live “Life is the best choice,” held by Horiens in partnership with Novonor and the OEC. This was one of the actions promoted by the companies in the …

Horiens launches Risk Monitoring tool for Insurance Management


Horiens launches Risk Monitoring tool for Insurance Management Horiens now has one more resource to support companies in risk management and insurance. This is the Risk Monitoring tool for Insurance Management, an online dashboard available …

CNSP Resolution 407/2021 was the topic of the 20th Meeting of ABGR’s Electricity Sector Committee


At the end of August, Horiens was present at the XX Meeting of the Electric Sector Committee of ABGR (Brazilian Association of Risk Management), which had more than 750 participants and 7 thousand views. The Meeting annually brings …

Horiens and Stefanini Rafael: partnership to support companies in their cyber resilience journey


It is nothing new that the cybersecurity agenda is currently on the agenda of 10 out of 10 companies. Successful cyberattacks around the world have brought losses estimated at $6 trillion by 2021, number that …

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