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Oral Health: a care for the mouth, body and mind


Written by: Horiens - 01/12/2021

Did you know that keeping your oral health up to date goes far beyond a beautiful smile?

Even though they are often linked to appearance, healthy teeth and gums are far from being a purely cosmetic issue. On the contrary, oral health is essential for physical, social, and even mental well-being!

How does oral health impact our quality of life?
Oral care and hygiene are directly related to the proper functioning of the entire body. When neglected, fungi and bacteria can proliferate in the mouth and end up reaching other organs and their functions, bringing serious diseases. Oral health care is also a fundamental part of the treatment of systemic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes.

In addition, research indicates that not taking care of your teeth decreases the average daily intake of fiber, carotene, vegetables, and fruits, which are essential for the body’s health. The impact of this loss also extends to mental health, as it interferes with appearance, self-esteem, and overall social interactions.

Finally, an up-to-date good oral condition also avoids pains, chewing problems, and functional limitations in speech and swallowing, which can generate a low quality of life.

Good reasons to keep teeth and gums healthy
Now it’s easier to understand the importance of taking care of your oral health, right?

  1. Improves quality of life
    Good oral health is an essential condition for achieving a healthy
    state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
  2. High self-esteem
    People with bad breath or bad teeth can have their self-esteem impacted, by experiencing embarrassing situations at work or in their personal life.
  3. Good impression
    A beautiful smile is always an important business card.
  4. Disease Prevention
    Some serious diseases such as endocarditis are directly
    related to oral health.
  5. Disease treatment
    The treatment of systemic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes, requires periodic oral health care.

To keep your oral health up to date:

  • Always brush your teeth after every meal, and don’t forget to floss.
  • And remember: it is very important to have a checkup at the dentist at least once every 6 months, to maintain the health of your mouth and ensure a beautiful and healthy smile.

Supporting you and your family in oral health care 

As a way of encouraging oral health care, Horiens and Odontoprev, in partnership with your company, exempted the grace period for joining the plans. Take advantage of this benefit:

  • Contract by 02/15 | Effective 01/03/2022
  • Contract by 03/15 | Effective 01/04/2022
  • Contract by 04/15 | Effective 01/05/2022

Odontoprev offers complete coverage of dental specialties. Check it out below.

  • General Practice
  • Endodontics
  • Dentistry
  • Surgeries
  • Radiology
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Periodontia
  • Prosthesis
  • Emergency and Urgent Care
  • Orthodontics
  • Diagnosis

Ask Hello People about the plans available.
Also join our Live!

On January 27th, at 11am, we will promote a chat with Dr. Larrosier Ortiz, dental surgeon, specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery and OdontoPrev’s Health Consultant, about BUCAIS AND SYSTEMIC DISEASES | HEALTH BEGINS FROM THE MOUTH.

Join this conversation to better understand the importance of oral care for the health of you and your family!

We are waiting for you. Extend this invitation to your family members as well.

On the day of the Live, click here to access the virtual room.

Want to know more about this topic?
The Hello People team is at your disposal for any questions or support about the dental plans available to you and your family, the waiting period exemption, and the general conditions of this benefit:

VOIP: 5011-8080

Phone: 11 3096-8080 or 0800 740 1234





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