Live on Oral Health | information and prevention

Written by: Horiens - 03/02/2022
On the last 27th, the live event ‘Mouth and systemic diseases: health starts in the mouth’, promoted by Horiens in partnership with Odontoprev, brought to the Novonor Group members qualified information about care and alerts to keep their health up to date.
Dental surgeon Dr. Larrosier Ortiz began the live by reminding us that health is not the absence of disease, but rather a general state of physical, mental, and social well-being. “Oral health is directly related to people’s quality of life, so it is necessary to be aware of the necessary preventive care and have the discipline to apply it”, he oriented.
The consequences of poor oral hygiene
Lack of proper brushing and flossing is associated with a variety of health problems. “We most commonly think of cavities, but the problems can go beyond that, leading to tooth loss, gingivitis, periodontitis, halitosis, gastrointestinal problems, and heart problems, among others,” Dr. Ortiz explained. “Endocarditis is one of the most serious problems arising from poor oral hygiene. It occurs when bacteria enter the blood system and migrate to the heart,” he added.
In addition to the diseases located in the oral cavity and the systemic ones, another factor that must be taken into consideration is emotional health. Pain and tooth loss ultimately affect the patient’s quality of life. “This is something very serious for well-being and should not be underestimated. Imagine being embarrassed to smile or having difficulty communicating,” he said.
Oral hygiene: learn the right way to do it
The basic rule for brushing is to brush three times a day, especially before bedtime. “It is not worthy having that little snack, with your teeth already brushed, before bedtime. In addition, we recommend carefully flossing once a day, and the best time is at night, the last brush”, he informed.
To learn the correct technique for brushing and flossing, click here.
Visits to the dentist
Finally, visits to the dentist are fundamental, because only the professional can adequately analyze possible problems, especially in their initial phase. “We recommend that the routine be twice a year. Mouth problems are characterized by rapid development. It is difficult for the person himself to recognize the beginning of a cavity, for example,” he warned.