The current challenges of Corporate health plan management

Written by: Horiens - 08/04/2021
We are aware that having a health plan is amongst the main desires of the major part of Brazilians. In the Companies, this is one of the more valued benefits by the employees, besides representing a relevant account of the Corporate expenditures roster and ranking as a strategic element for the gathering and the retention of talents.
“People are increasingly more connected with health and with the prevention culture. The COVID-19 pandemics has intensified this issue, and the concern with the bodily and the mental health was never so high”, asserts Laudelino Soares, director or Personal Insurances of Horiens.
Within this scenario, the challenges involving a qualified management of the health plan are too many and require a comprising and a specialized view of the subject. “Our major search, as consultants of perils and insurances, is to provide support to the Companies to balance the offered benefits and the available financial resources, knowing that this is a fundamental and strategical theme for both: the employees and the Companies, impacting the productivity and the outcomes”, Laudelino explains.
The main challenges
One of the main challenges is to maintain the attention in the current demands of the society, searching for quick replies and for building solutions. It is a must to be connected to act timely, to incorporate new working tools and models.
“The use of technology, particularly in relation to the tele medicine is a good example of this and contributes decisively to increase the attention to the insureds and the integration to projects and programs of the operators”, emphasizes Laudelino.
The implementation of preventive health programs, besides avoiding the evolution of illnesses, which may compromise the future of individuals, impacts in a positive fashion the incurred cost with health by the Companies.
Another important aspect is the awareness of the employees in relation to a responsible utilization of the health plan. This must be a continuous stave, under an educational focus, stimulation the self-care and reducing the wastes.
In the field of the primary health attention, new studies about the Brazilian supplementary health are necessary. “It is necessary to identify the effective actions and strategies, under different models, such as verticalized operators and the assistance starting in the Companies’ ambulatories, as an example”, completes Laudelino.
And last, but not least, another contemporary and important theme, is the data management and intelligence. Predictive modeling tools, such as we are using at Horiens for a certain insured population is helping the Companies to take decisions, based on data and indicators. The data intelligence, observing the information privacy and secrecy, is relevant for an efficient management of a Corporate health plan”, highlights Laudelino.
“At Horiens, with the support of our team, we have cases of success in the construction of frequency and severity models for using insurances. This brings much more in-depth outcomes for the talks and negotiations, improving the relationship between perils and payback”, concludes Laudelino.