Horiens Roadshow: connection, opportunities and intelligence in the insurance market

Written by: Horiens - 31/07/2024
Meetings and presentations scheduled and organized by intermediaries to present and negotiate risks with strategic partners. Historically, roadshows have been known in the financial sector, but they have evolved in the insurance market, eliminating subjectivity and allowing for a detailed and transparent assessment of risks.
Instead of investors and shareholders, insurers and reinsurers. Instead of evaluating prices, those involved negotiate the transfer of risks with strategic partners. Data is presented in detailed reports (Risk Reports) with all the information needed to find the best alternative for the parties involved in the negotiation.
There are many opportunities and many lessons learned, as Márcio Rodrigues de Medeiros, Operations Superintendent at HDI Global Seguros, Horiens’ insurance partner, describes:
“It’s one of the most aggregating moments of a risk placement. It brings warmth, life and ‘eye to eye’ at an important moment in terms of trust and certainty in the insurance and reinsurance market. When sellers know the most severe implications of exposure, they can discuss the complexity of these risks with the market and advocate the best solution.”
Mapping possible and existing risks
It’s a preliminary and thorough job that involves risk assessment, visits to the company’s operations and updates on positive points and possible vulnerabilities.
The insurer tends to translate uncertainties into costs, so presenting the real scenario makes it easier not only to build policies that are in line with the company’s reality, but also to negotiate premiums (insurance costs) and deductibles in a customized way. “Preparation includes internal visits with the client and external visits with the insurance market, ensuring that the risks are well assessed and documented. The aim is to work continuously on improving the quality of the client’s risk in order to reflect positively on the insurance negotiation,” says Fábio Noronha, Risk Engineer at Horiens.
So risk engineering works directly to gather accurate and up-to-date information. “My office is now inside the client’s company,” says Fábio. “We work very closely to understand the risk and meet their specific needs,” he adds.
Data and insights: the basis for negotiation
All the data is analyzed and organized in the Risk Report. At this stage, the data is recorded in a delivered document to eliminate the subjectivity of decision-making. If there are any risks, often inherent to the operation itself, the Risk Report presents and details what the company is doing to mitigate each one, as well as all the associated investments.
“Receiving a detailed insurance proposal is extremely important, as it allows us to accurately assess the client’s needs and expectations. A well-drafted document, with clear coverage, exclusions and conditions, facilitates our underwriting work and ensures that we can offer a personalized and appropriate insurance solution. In addition, transparency and a wealth of details help to avoid future misunderstandings and build a relationship of trust between all the parties involved,” says Bruna Pan Rinaldi, Industrial Risks and Liability Superintendent at MAPFRE, Horiens’ partner insurer.
Horiens acts as an intermediary in the process and offers its clients inspection and auditing services in order to suggest improvements or solutions that show insurance market leaders how attentive the company is to the risks and the initiatives to protect each one.
With this comprehensive content in their baggage, the team takes to the roadshow the tools needed to guarantee the best negotiating conditions for their clients.
Meetings, analysis and proposals
During the roadshow, the selection of partners needs to be careful. The choice of insurers and reinsurers with good reputations and capabilities lies in these more qualified markets, whether national or international. This is an important step on the journey to success.
“London is the world center of insurance, where it all began. Especially when we deal with differentiated risks, we go to Lloyd’s and have the opportunity to meet several underwriters to present the risk and negotiate the best conditions for our clients,” analyzes Henrique Martins dos Santos, Risk and Insurance Manager at Horiens, who cites the English capital as one of the destinations of the last roadshow he did in June, also passing through Madrid (Spain) and Munich (Germany).
The presentations are designed to highlight the unique characteristics and strengths of each client, guaranteeing the best possible conditions for negotiation.
“The greater the level of detail, the greater the chances of success in internal approvals and better conditions. In this respect, Horiens’ work is surprising. Placements are made by specialists with in-depth knowledge of their clients, detailed underwriting information and fluid response times so that the insurer’s work is assertive,” says Edgar Miotto, Head of General Liability & Environmental at Starr, Horiens‘partner insurer.
What are the benefits for companies and insurers?
In the roadshow, clients actively participate in each stage, presenting their company’s entire risk management to subscribers. “The client follows the entire risk placement process and knows who and which insurers they are dealing with,” explains Fábio.
This approach provides assessments and recommendations tailored to specific needs, resulting in tailor-made solutions. “We present the risk to be transferred in detail to minimize as much as possible any subjectivity in the assessment by the underwriters,” adds Henrique.
A qualified and complete analysis which, in addition to real connections with major players in the insurance market, brings important results when it comes to taking out insurance. Shall we talk more about it?