Horiens participates in respirator donation drive

Written by: Horiens - 17/04/2020
In combating the new Coronavirus, the unavailability of mechanical respirators in hospitals is among the main challenges facing health systems worldwide, as treatment requiring these devices is crucial to saving lives in the more severe cases of the disease. Increasing the availability of mechanical respirators is therefore one of the most urgent strategies needed at the moment.
“This is a situation that requires everyone’s cooperation – society, governments, and companies. It is the time to join forces, so we decided to contribute by participating in an initiative by the FIEB (from the acronym in Portuguese “Federation of Industries of the State of Bahia”) to donate mechanical respirators that will be used to fight the pandemic throughout Bahia, ”says Marcelo Neves, CEO of Horiens.
With the partnership of several companies and other sectors of society, FIEB bought and will donate 50 respirators to support the treatment of Covid-19 proactively and altruistically.
“We have an important connection to Bahia, since our history started in the State. And Bahia, as well as Brazil, will experience an increase in cases of the disease. Being adequately prepared to go through this phase is crucial ”, says Marcelo.
Marcelo points out that Horiens remains alert for opportunities to help. “Initiatives like this reaffirm our purpose to foresee risks and contribute to protect and value companies and people alike in an increasingly complex reality”.