Horiens participates in Fermentec 2024 Annual Meeting: strategic look to support agrobusiness

Written by: Horiens - 07/08/2024
The event held in Ribeirão Preto (SP) featured a lecture on “Agrometeorology and data science for risk management and insurance,” given by Ingrid, manager at Horiens
Horiens took part today in a panel at the traditional Fermentec 2024 Annual Meeting, held in Ribeirão Preto (SP). Every year, the event brings together around 700 people, including customers, partners and guests of Fermentec, a company that offers solutions for the operational efficiency of mills and distilleries in Brazil and abroad.
Ingrid Gregorio, Risk and Insurance Manager at Horiens and co-founder of Agrymetric, gave the talk “Agrometeorology and data science for risk management and insurance.” “It was an opportunity to present to the entire sugar-alcohol sector the differentials of Agrymetric, tailor-made insurance that makes it possible to transfer the risk of loss of productivity based on pre-defined climatic parameters,” he said.
Ingrid presented the probabilistic model and explained technically how this innovative solution works. “We invite the client to build the parameters and triggers of the risk to be transferred together with the insurer. It’s much more in line with each company’s risk appetite and beneficial for both, since the value of the insurance and the coverage are more in line with the reality of that company,” he added.
During the presentation, Ingrid showed the differences between traditional agricultural insurance and Agymetric. “When necessary, compensation is quick and pragmatic, it takes place during the harvest. In addition, Agrymetric uses data specific to the insured’s region and operation, not productivity history and general averages. In other words, it’s much more precise.”
The event also included other content of great scientific and technological value that can be applied in the routine of the mills, presenting the participants with news and trends in agribusiness.
To find out more about Agrymetric, click here or contact our team: www.horiens.com/contato.