Horiens participates in a webinar on cyber risks promoted by IBEF-Rio

Written by: Horiens - 30/05/2022
At the end of April, Horiens participated in another debate agenda regarding cyber risks, promoted by IBEF-Rio (Brazilian Institute of Finance Executives). The event was attended by Paula Caixeta, responsible for cyber risks and insurance at Horiens; José Fontenelle, information security specialist; William Rocha, DPO JUCERJA and Director of Contracts and LGPD IBEF-Rio and Márcia Ribeiro, Director of Risks and Insurance at IBEF-Rio, who moderated the meeting.
The topic is at the top of the agenda for most companies around the world, given the increase in cyber-attacks that result in business interruptions and heavy losses. “Unfortunately, when it comes to cyber-attack, it is not a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’ the attack will happen. We want our clients to be prepared for this moment”, highlights Paula Caixeta, from Horiens.
More than 100 people participated in the webinar, which brought to the agenda cyber security practices, insurance aimed at protecting against this type of risk, and LGPD (General Law of Data Protection). “The approach to the subject of cyber risks from the point of view of three specialists, with differentiated and integrated expertise, was fundamental for the understanding of the complexity and intensity of this scenario. They’ve hit the nail on the head!”, adds Márcia Ribeiro, from IBEF-Rio.
Click here and learn more about Horiens’ cyber risk management and insurance solution