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Horiens 45 years: a story to be proud of!


Written by: Horiens - 16/10/2023

Horiens is celebrating 45 years in business.

An intense journey, marked by creativity and innovation in the delivery of insurance and guarantee solutions to make big business viable, and also by the willingness of a team that from the outset has played in harmony to protect the human and material assets of its clients.

Looking at challenges in a unique way is part of Horiens’ DNA, as this was the meaning behind its creation in 1978, at the time as a captive broker for the Novonor Group.

Long before that, however, in the 1940s, Norberto Odebrecht, the Group’s founder, was already aware of the value of protecting people and companies for the survival and growth of his business.

Once, when he had only one truck, the vehicle had to go to the workshop. Intuitively, Norberto thought that if he lost it, he would lose a large part of his assets. That’s when he decided to insure the vehicle. The next day, the workshop caught fire and the truck was destroyed.

From then until now, insurance has always been a part of the Group’s history. However, this story clearly illustrates the importance of being proactive, taking steps to mitigate risks, and addressing potential losses – a primary function of insurance.

In 1978, to kickstart a new risk management era within the Group, FEO Administradora e Corretora de Seguros Ltda. was established. It played the role of a captive broker and had a significant role in supporting the entire expansion and internationalization process of the businesses it served.

In 1995, in a new phase, the company was renamed OCS Administradora e Corretora de Seguros Ltda. and, in 2019, Horiens was born, in an important milestone of renewal that also included serving new groups and companies. A name that combines “horizon” and “orientation,” concepts symbolizing a dedicated effort to broaden perspectives in the face of risks and a constantly changing world.


Learn more about Horiens’ 45-year history in our new video: click here. Or watch it on Horiens’ YouTube channel

A team of knowledgeable individuals, tirelessly searching for the best solution

Over the years, there have been many challenges and achievements, working alongside clients from the most diverse segments, in Brazil and abroad, and building solid relationships with the global insurance market.

Since the beginning of its journey, Horiens teams have constantly specialized, keeping up with market developments and often proposing new approaches and perspectives to solve challenges and support clients in advancing their business strategies.

Looking back over Horiens’ history makes us realize the importance of people and the great collaboration of each member who is and has been part of this team!

That’s why, as we celebrate our 45th anniversary, there’s nothing better than for our members to tell us a little about the essence of the company and, of course, to wish us a future full of new achievements!

“I’m heading into my 31st year of work within the Group, with a significant portion of that time spent at Horiens. During this time, I’ve had many opportunities to develop personally and professionally through work. I hold a special place in my heart for the phases of life and career I’ve spent outside of Brazil as an expatriate. During these periods, it became clear to me what the essence of Horiens is.

I say with full conviction that the trust placed in its members is a great value of our culture. I cannot forget to mention the changes in PAs, which are undoubtedly significant milestones in my career, for the new learnings and horizons that opened up with each step! Long live Horiens!”

Arlecio Rodrigues, member of the Risks and Insurance – Infrastructure team

“Over the 12 years I’ve worked at Horiens, I’ve had many good times, but especially my first year of expatriation, in Panama in 2017. It was an immense challenge, an experience that I will carry with me forever. I’m grateful to this company that opens doors and becomes a breeding ground for learning, always! From technical knowledge to skills that make us better professionals every day.

In these 45 years, I hope that Horiens continues to establish itself as an important player in our market and that it can be recognized as a reference for its differentiated and consultative way of doing insurance brokerage in the Brazilian and international markets!”

Francisco Paladino, member of the Risks and Insurance – Agribusiness and Logistics team

“I joined Horiens as a trainee in 2014 and haven’t left since. This is where I started my career and I continue to develop day by day. The year 2022, for instance, was very special because I was able to participate from start to finish in the creation of an innovative product in the insurance market that adds a lot of value to risk management in agribusiness, Agrymetric. It was and has been a fantastic experience, which is why I consider it the most remarkable period of my career at Horiens.

If there’s something I’ve learned through practice over the years, it’s to have resilience, no matter how challenging the moment may be, to value teamwork because synergy among people happens daily, and also to think outside the box, not settling for available solutions if they aren’t truly the best for our clients! I hope that these 45 years of Horiens will be a source of inspiration for building the next 45 years!”

Ingrid Gregorio, member of the Risks and Insurance – Infrastructure and Concessions team

“Horiens has been a part of my life for just over a year when, still as a partner, I connected with the company. Two months ago I became a member of this team, which stands out for its extensive experience in the risk management and insurance market.

During my time here, I’ve come to realize that knowledge is a central element of Horiens’ essence. Here, I have learned primarily that we do not work alone, and excellent results come from a lot of collaboration and synergy. I’m happy and excited to be part of this story. I would like to wish Horiens many years of success!”

Ucimar Martins, member of the Risks and Insurance – Chemicals and Petrochemicals team

“In 2023, I completed 10 years at Horiens, a company that, for me, perfectly embodies that saying: wearing the client’s jersey! Each demand is unique, there are no off-the-shelf solutions. Everything is very intense and it only works because our team is very integrated, and we have delegation and real confidence to seek the best result. I often joke that I joined the company through the CNPJ, but I stay for the CPFs that are here. I’m proud of Horiens’ 45 years and to be part of this journey. On this 45th anniversary, I wish you many, many more years of success!”

Marcus Maulli, member of the Guarantee Insurance team

“I completed four months in the house in September, but my story with Horiens began much earlier, in 2009. At the time, I was working for a reinsurance broker and was able to participate in the placement of engineering risk reinsurance for the construction of the Submarine Outfall in Salvador. I was impressed by the professionalism, the quality of the team and the work, and the recognition in the market. I began to follow Horiens with admiration and the desire to work here one day. The year 2023 marks my professional career, as I’m finally part of the team.

The culture of trust in people, the way of acting with an ‘owner’s eye’ and the spirit of service are the essence of Horiens for me. In these 45 years, I wish Horiens to continue on its path of success, offering clients and the insurance market all its characteristic knowledge and energy!”

Henrique Martins dos Santos, member of the Risks and Insurance – Chemicals and Petrochemicals team

“I’ve been working at Horiens for 11 years and I’ve had an intense and rewarding career here. In 2017, I moved from Salvador to São Paulo, a challenging stage in my life and career, but also a very happy one.

Here we improve our sense of belonging to our clients’ needs every day, we strive for ever better results, regardless of the high level of results already achieved, and we value trust and respect between people. Long live Horiens! I truly believe that the way we operate makes a difference in the insurance market and for our clients!”

Fábio da Silva Machado, member of the People Insurance team

“I’ve been almost 17 years in this company, and each moment has its special place in my memories, but 2012 and 2013 hold all the energy of a great challenge. That was when I took part in the placement of a client’s insurance program, undoubtedly the biggest project finance project of my career.

The high investment and the configuration of the project made the task highly complex, but the feeling of mission accomplished at the end of a job like this is indescribable! I can say with with absolute confidence that my career at Horiens has provided me with valuable experiences and lessons for my life, such as the importance of taking a leading role in building a career, individual responsibility for the success of the team and all the growth linked to the practice of delegation.

In these 45 years, I can only wish Horiens that its determination and courage will take it to ever greater heights of success and that her inspiring leadership will continue to contribute to the formation of countless remarkable individual trajectories, capable of reproducing this virtuous model in the most diverse environments!”

Beatriz Schiesari, member of the Risks and Insurance – Chemicals and Petrochemicals team

“What I admire most about Horiens is the ability to add value to our customers’ businesses. As we go deep into the context of risks, including insurance and guarantee solutions, we are able to differentiate ourselves in the market. This striking aspect of our work allows us to develop long-term relationships, to be close to our clients and to be recognized as strategic partners. I have excellent memories of my 10 years with the company, a period in which I have experienced professional challenges and great personal moments, such as the birth of my daughter Luísa in 2015 and the achievement of various projects in the Energy, Oil & Gas segment. I wish Horiens much success in developing its teams and achieving successful deals in the years to come.”

Kyllbert Wougran, member of the Risk and Insurance team – Energy, Oil & Gas

For me, being a member of Horiens means having the freedom to build my own path. This is only possible because there is trust in people and in their ability to learn, excel and evolve. When I look at my career here, I can clearly see how I have become a more complete professional and a person who is more confident in my goals.

I love the dynamism and intensity with which we immerse ourselves in the challenges here at Horiens, as well as the harmony between people. Many times something may seem very difficult, but the team goes there and gets it done. It’s not always quick or simple, most of the time, in fact, it isn’t. But this attitude of making things happen is incredible and a source of inspiration for me. I can only hope that the company continues to grow in line with its values. Success, Horiens!”

Bárbara Rezendes, member of the Marketing and Communications team




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