A horizon of good things

Written by: Horiens - 30/06/2022
Caroline has just had a daughter and in the middle of her maternity leave she was promoted at Horiens, taking on new challenges in the People Insurance area, where she has worked for seven years, as soon as she returns.
Wesley is excited about the career possibilities he is seeing after starting to work at Horiens’ data lab, Risk Labs, initially as an intern and now as a permanent employee.
Luanda is happy to be able to identify in the midst of the pandemic’s reflection period her life mission, discovering that she can dream and work with purpose.
Carolina, Wesley and Luanda are sharing with us a horizon of good things that has opened up in their lives.
“We are proud of being part of people’s lives and, more than that, of offering an environment that can be a source of positive experiences”, points out Fernanda Antonelli, director of Horiens’ People area. People are the center of everything in a company. Life and work have ups and downs, it’s normal, and of course this has its value, but knowing how to see opportunities to evolve and transform life and career is in our own hands,” he adds.
Throughout the year we will be talking about the horizon of good things that our members see for their lives and careers. We invite you to join us in these stories and get to know a little more about the people who are part of Horiens!
Caroline Lucena, from the People Insurance area
“When we live intensely in the present and excel, we open ourselves to possibilities that life offers us toward the future we plan. My second child, Rafaela, was born in February this year, and along with all the dilemmas that come with motherhood, there is also an incredible strength and feeling that it was worth it.
If this great event in my life was not enough, I was professionally recognized, for my efforts and dedication, during my maternity leave, with a promotion within the area I work in. What can we say if not that life offers us a horizon of good things when we seek them and are open to them?”
Wesley José da Silva, member of Horiens’ Risk Labs
“I often say that I have been working since I was ‘little’. My first job was with my uncle at the fair, when I was about 14 years old. At 16, I went to work at General Motors as a young apprentice and, at 18, I was already on my third experience, as a service provider at Citi. Here at Horiens, where I joined as an intern in 2019, In Risk Labs, I discovered new possibilities, especially with the partnership of my leader Márcio, and all the support of Fernanda, our People leader.
Stimulated by an open environment and, personally, by a phase of self-knowledge, I saw my career prospects open up not only with my hiring, which came recently, but with all the programming and data science learning I had access to.
I, who didn’t think much about career issues and let life take me, today find myself thinking about building a career that brings me fulfillment.
Luanda de Oliveira Santos, from the Risk and Insurance area for Infrastructure and Concessions
“Work, for me, has always been much more connected to survival than prospects. Things have been changing little by little. I joined Horiens in 2014, in Salvador, Bahia. It was a nice period, which introduced me to a new world with a very strong look at people, since I worked in the People Insurance area, with a focus on customer relationship.
In 2017, I received an invitation to come and work in São Paulo. Here, my connections have increased, I have changed areas and I have been discovering new ways to collaborate, each time closer to what I consider my mission: which is to be a bridge, to help open doors for people. Today, in addition to my Action Program in the Engineering and Concessions area, I am part of the Diversity Committee at Horiens.
The more introspective period brought on by the pandemic ended up awakening me to the fact that we can work with purpose. I was not taught to dream, but I have learned that I can.”